Dear reader, before we enter into the backstory and worldbuilding, maybe you'd like to check first
It’ll be easier on the eyes before we bombard you with the weight of history.
or, if you’re feeling a bit more literary today and
prefer words, might I gently guide you towards the 

Bosana Webcomic?
(It’s full of strange characters and a certain charm that only comes from spending far too much time in your head.)

all that aside, i think we are ready now to continue.

bosana draws its inspiration from a tiny country tucked away in the rear-end of Europe—a place called Bosnia and Herzegovina (yup that one that was in the war in the 90s).

in it, three groups of people are led by three different kings, who worship three different gods, and somehow manage to live together—barely divided by nothing more than a centuries of well-preserved disagreements (and the occasional hope for a better tomorrow).
What you see above is an ancient and precious map of Bosana. You can notice several rivers which flow through not so carefully drawn terrain – a mountain, a forest and a small town here and there. Obviously, The cartographer may have been more interested in speed than precision. 

considering the map's antiquity and Bosana's rather dynamic and diverse world, it is our recommendation that this map should not be used in geography classes.
Village "Vrelo"
a place where everyone knows your name, and the name of the girl of your dreams, whom you have never even mentioned. Secrets last about as long as a nap. 
Poets avoid describing this place, likely due to its "rustic" sewerage system and grumbling inhabitants who, despite their complaints, never leave. 
It is also a home of our heroine Iskra and her brother Mitra. The houses you see here are from this very little village.
the green-smith inn
In the heart of the Zhutibor forest sits a wooden cottage that looks like it took a wrong turn from some distant village. 
Once, it was an inn, a place where travelers rested, far from the noise of the world. Stories say its doors were always open to everyone, regarding to nationality or beliefs, but those days are long gone. Now, it stands quietly, in these troubled times, holding onto its secrets, its past hidden as deeply as the forest itself.
Or has it simply been waiting for the right traveler?
The Temple of the Fallen Brothers
When someone says "temple," you’d expect something grand, or at least respectable. Not this one. We’re not sure when the roof will start leaking or when the tiles will fall off in the next breeze, but it’s bound to happen.
The building itself? Completely unfit for any purpose—no form, no function—but we’ll let it hang around in our world for a while. 
In any case, anyone worrying about such petty things as whether or not the roof leaks, is obviously not a spiritual professional, and we don't need to waste any breath on garbage of that sort. Oh, and there’s also a weird old man living there.

pomet the mad
pomet wasn’t a fool by chance—he was more of a professional at it.
you'd likely find him at that wonky wooden temple from the past image walking around and speaking some nonsense. People generally left him alone, not out of fear, but because trying to understand pomet was like trying to solve a puzzle with half the pieces missing.
But one thing was certain: if you could make sense of his ramblings, you’d likely uncover secrets about Bosana that even the gods had forgotten.
the folks of Bosana are very proud, and still carry that tiny spark of defiance in their hearts. The three main factions are the Bosons, the Bosuns, and the Bosans.
next to them, we have the People of Ro-hni, a happy group of traveling folk. They roam the land with their tunes and harmonies, spreading joy and cheer wherever they go... or at least they would, if they weren't constantly being pelted with fruit and chased out of town by the less musically inclined residents of Bosana.

now let's meet those who shape the world.
Vuk – People of Ro-hni

Vuk’s the kind of guy who marches to his own beat—loudly. He’s got a knack for missing the obvious, yet somehow stumbles into trouble like it’s his best friend. Restless, a bit reckless, and always on the verge of adventure, there’s more to him than meets the eye... though he’d probably be the last to notice. Whatever secrets he's hiding, let’s just hope they don’t blow up in his face—too often.
Kreslav – People of Ro-hni

A mugger, thief, prowler, crook, swindler and a musician. No mother would want him for a son-in-law, but for herself. It is healthier for plague to enter the city than Kreslav. He is capable of turning even the smallest settlement into a battlefield in which families are ruined, friendships collapsed and neighbors' hatred grows even more, while he simply nonchalantly walks away carrying out a sack of preciousness. 
Iskra – boson

Iskra’s a bright, plant-loving optimist who sees the world through a rose-tinted haze, thanks to all those love novels she devours. She believes a smile and kind word can solve just about anything—except, perhaps, becoming a scout, which makes other laugh. War talk doesn’t interest her; she’d rather wander the woods, radiating positivity and hope, convinced the world’s a better place than it likely is.
Mitra – boson
Iskra's big brother. a Lumberjack. He doesn’t say much, but when he does, you’d best listen, unless you want to meet "The Missus," his trusty axe. beneath the bloodthirsty, grumpy face, a gentle and somewhat philosophical soul is hiding. they say he once fell hopelessly in love with a trader’s daughter, but no one’s brave enough to ask him about that. In his spare time? Oh, just leading the resistance movement—no big deal.
Mistislav – bosan
the grumpy keeper of ancient texts, knows more Bosana secrets than most know their own shoes. His past? Bumpier than a cart on square wheels. He had been dealt a rough hand in life and on top of all that he had to run from the servants of a freshly crowned king just to keep his head firmly attached to his neck. So next time you encounter Mistislav and his sarcastic barbs, just remember, he's all bark and no bite.
Felix (srecko) - Bosun
Foundation of disaster. if he opened a funeral company, people would stop dying. Calamity follows him everywhere, but somehow he always escapes untouched. His friends either vanish mysteriously or end up, well, a bit worse for wear, so he’s understandably lonely. A failed journalist, mostly famous for bad luck. Deep down, he’s not all that terrible, just a breeding ground for various neuroses. In the end, we’re all a little bit Felix .
Krutoglav - Bosun (subject to change)
the supreme leader’s enforcer and full-time joy extinguisher. Krutoglav thrives on rules, especially the obscure ones, and makes it his personal mission to ensure everyone follows them—whether they know them or not. Friends? He’d punish you for the idea. Fun? Don’t even think about it. If there’s a way to turn a normal day into bureaucratic misery, Captain Krutoglav’s already got it written up in his notebook.
order and law squad - unknown
supreme leader's and krutoglav's personal army of nightmares, are feared across Bosana for enforcing his whims with brutal efficiency. They leave behind more than chaos—there’s also the unsettling smoke that rises from their fallen helmets. Some say it’s the last puff of their lost humanity, others suspect dark magic, and a few claim they’ve seen creatures crawling out of the smoke. their biggest enemy is:
the resistance movement - Bosana Variety Pack
bunch of rebels led by the fearless Mitra, all united by one goal: to give a supreme leader a swift kick off his throne and bring a little sunshine back to the land—you know, like it used to be before. Farmers, merchants, and even a few repentant soldiers make up their ranks, all driven by a stubborn belief that they can actually make a difference. They know the odds are terrible, but they’re not the type to let that stop them.
In Bosana, magic works a bit like two mismatched roommates—one side is all about chaos, flipping tables and stirring up storms, while the other quietly tidies up the mess, keeping things from completely falling apart and, every now and then, planting a tree or two.

Together, they form some kind of balance — like two very different people sitting on  the same sofa, shaping the fate of the world, but maybe not agreeing on what to watch.

Some even whisper that this imbalance could cause cracks to appear in the the gate of a thousand worlds —A stone portal with the suspicious past. What’s behind it? Well, let’s just say that those doors are best left unopened.
all over the bosana, you can find the ancient tombstones. scattered like breadcrumbs across the land, etched with symbols that, apparently, control things like fire, water, and possibly the neighbors' bad singing. Handy, if you don’t mind the occasional explosion or accidental summoning of something with too many tentacles.
But here’s the thing: when it comes to the Gate, leaving it unopened isn’t as simple as it sounds. Of course, in a world where mortals are involved, it’s only a matter of time before something goes wrong. 
But that’s the fun part, right?

there is so much more to be said and shown, but we'll keep it short and sweet for now.
we'll finish our little introduction with a team-building photo of gentlemen below.
Will the Resistance Movement succeed in their quest and avoid physical therapy provided by the
Order and Law squad? Will legitimate, fair and democratic elections be held in Bosana this autumn, for the first time in its long history?
sigh...anyway, dear reader, every great adventure needs a little... push. And sometimes, that push comes from those who see the value in a world waiting to be shaped. If you happen to be such a person, well, let’s just say Bosana could use a little help to truly reach its potential. 

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